allo guvnor, cheers mate. today we
are in landan tan, with the pearly kingz
and queens it's
a reet owd pea souper if ize do say soze
meself. jolly good says i, time to go dan
the warfamsto mall and rite me a little pome
in an arwful
faux landan parlay! on me way i only
saws a photo boof, two pand a pop
wiv loads of fancy backgrandz, looks
like a reet old larf i sayz.
in i go and does up me barnet, tries
to mek meself presentable but not
being funny, me boat race looks
all seventies-
like i'm off TOTP2 or summink.
wot a palava! Nearly wet me pants
wiv the fort. The clicker went orf
three time before i'd
even put my lippy on! anyways, wish you
was ere me old pal, nice day forrit, pomes
and talking borlocks and all that-
seeya next time treacle,
i'm orf to ave a luvverly cappa tea.

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