Thursday, 21 January 2016

Underneath the shopping mall, a park

I use to play there in the 50s does anyone remember the big slide loved it no health and
safety then just us kids having fun. Wasn't there a 'witches hat's there? A witches hat roundabout.

All those homes facing onto Selborne Rd, there would have been a community on that road. Shameful changes in the name of shopping centre and motor car. Failure.

Two people, even kids, trying to both get dried and dressed in the coffin sized cubicles.

Used to play football there in the 60s. You can see the bare patch of grass to left of picture where the goal mouth was. 

My Mum met my Dad at the dance school Sonny Deardon's.

Crap building with dead frontage, just like the side of BHS opposite. Dead frontage.

Original pictures & more info here

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